Saturday, March 25, 2006

What is wrong with people? Oh, yeah sin.

Recently, world-renown [pyscopath in my opinion] ethicist Peter Singer came to the U to give a talk on his views of ethics. He is an advocate proponent of animal rights, and sadly of infanticide. He thinks that parents should be able to "euthanize" their disabled infant if they so choose. First off, is this world so far gone down the porcelain convenience that animals are being elevated above humans? Singer thinks that an adult pig should have more rights than a human baby. My question is, why? What really have pigs done for us except be delicious? Mmmm...bacon. I am all for the humane treatment of animals, in that their pain be minimalized as much as possible. Ultimately, they are here for our use per God's design. Animals seem to be humanized more and more, while humans are dehumanized more and more (i.e. the word "euthanize" being applied to babies). Why this trend? Have animals invented anything lately? Do cows rally at the capital with signs about better milking facilities? Animals are purely driven by instincts and innately lack the complex thoughts and emotions that we, in God's image, possess. Since animals obviously can't speak out for themselves, people find good cause in advocating for them. Yes, speak out for those that can't speak for themselves. How about UNBORN BABIES ??? Why is it unpopular to speak out for them while praised to shut down meat plants for cruel treatment to cattle? Displays against abortion are criticized for showing pictures of abortion procedures, but animal rights activists often take pictures and video footage of production facilities for their cause. How about videos of what happens in an abortion? That might change some opionions when faced with the bloody reality of abortion. Instead, abortion is hidden behind closed doors and passed off as a "hard decision" but necessary for some women. Back to Singer, he points out that parents do abort their unborn infants if they are determined to have some sort of defect. So what is the difference if this happens before or after birth? See how abortion is making society so much more demented? First its the unborn, then disabled infants, then normal infants, then disabled adults...who knows? This is why GOD is the one who decides who lives, dies, and when they happen. It is really scary how things are perpetuating and how many people just go with the flow rather than evaluating what is actually going on. God, save this crooked generation.


Blogger Sam said...

I'm glad you enjoy them. My blog is for the people.

10:42 AM

Blogger renee said...

sigh... so many things are so wrong in the world... in a class at the U we had a discussion of "eugenic abortion" about screening fetuses for disabilities and diseases. it was shocking to see the reaction of the class - they were almost uniformly horrified by the practice. and i sat in the back and somehow still couldn't bring myself to point out how it doesn't make sense to abort a pregnancy because it's inconvenient... if it's a baby, it's a baby.

6:30 AM

Blogger Laura Ibsen said...


8:45 AM

Blogger chen said...

I just read the book Freakonomics and in it Levitt, an economist, talks about how one unforseen side-effect of abortion has been the decrease in crime rate. Without going into too much detail about the topic or his evidence, this is a very strange side-effect of such a horrible thing.

10:35 AM

Blogger Jordan said...

Sam you're great. Thanks for making sense... I'm getting frustrated with the rest of the world.

10:38 AM

Blogger Sam said...

Thanks guys for the moral support (yes, I said guys but NO GRAMMAR WARS ON MY BLOG!!!!!). Around these parts, most disagree with me.

1:51 PM


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