Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Why it's hard to be a pimp

While watching the academy awards this past Sunday, the song "It's Hard out Here to be a Pimp" won an oscar. I'm so glad America is finally recognizing the struggles of pimps. I mean, how would you like it if some two-timing ho was holding out on you? You know, giving you crap about how she has five kids to feed so she can't pay up. I can't even imagine the difficulty of riding around in a velvet-interior caddie with a wicked sound system, dealing out ho after ho like a game of blackjack. Oh, and then there's whitey to deal with. How is a pimp supposed to make an honest living with all those cracker cops just waiting to bust out his gold teeth? Wake up America, the time is a quarter past "make me a sandwich %$&@*" and pimps are in.


Blogger Laura Ibsen said...

"Sometimes I hooked up wit dat cordless phone, I keep my faxes on, I got my voicemails on, or you can reach me at my new internet address. It's www.bitch-better-have-my-money.com."

-White Chocolate (from Pimp Chat)

11:27 AM

Blogger Laura Ibsen said...

There's nothing funny about being a pimp. However, it IS funny to make fun of pimps, because pimps always think they are awesome and that they're lifestyle is the best one could hope for. That's why "Pimp Chat" is funny, and also why my previous comment was REALLY funny. :)

8:13 AM


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