Monday, March 13, 2006

I hate snow today

Hey stupid snow, guess what it's March!!! Mid-March!! We got like a foot of snow today, which made for a miserable day for most everyone. The silly vet school wouldn't cancel, but many of my collegues (yeah, that's we are called now) didn't come anyway. I would have gladly jumped on that bandwagon but I am on a fundraising committee that had to put on an exhibitor fair today. A couple exhibitors didn't come because of the carnage outside, but who can blame them? I am petsitting for a family and staying at their house. Last time I stayed at their house, I was able to keep my car in their garage. Not this time though because both of their cars are parked in it. Who would've thought I would have needed it though, since IT WAS 50 DEGREES when they left. So, of course, it snows without abandon. I got stuck backing out of their driveway, but by a miracle of God (really) I was able to get out and go on. The drive to school was TERRIBLE. I was already cross since I had this exhibitor fair so I would have to miss all my classes today. The snow really added insult to injury. The visibility was seriously about 20 feet, people were driving like blind monkeys on PCP, and several stop lights were broken. It took an hour and a half to get to school (usually it is 10 minutes). I had to park in the parking lot because the sides of the streets were too deep in snow, but those fat cats at the U who yoink all my money can't even plow their stupid parking lot. Well played Fat Cats, I know some people who want to be like you. So, I couldn't even get into the parking lot so someone had to push me in. Then I was stuck again. A nice guy and his wife helped push me, then I got stuck again, and they helped again. Finally, the guy dug out a parking spot for me and helped get my car in it. That was sooooo nice of them because I would have been stuck. The exhibitor fair was okay except that we were supposed to get 50 pizzas from Papa Johns to get people to come look at the booths. Papa John's didn't open because the manager went into the ditch on his way in. He didn't even call though and was very rude when one of the other committee members called him. People coming to the exhibitor fair were kind of presumptuous too, as they kept bugging us about the pizza. "Where's the pizza?" "When's it getting here?" Settle down, you bunch of hyenas. One lady, who was the size of me x 5 + a cow + the Kool Aid man /1 was really on the watch for the food. A couple of my committee members drove to another pizza place and got 30 pizzas, and the place delivered another 20 soon after. The first 30 pizzas were seriously gone in about 5 minutes. It was like watching piranas. After the fair, the roads were better but I got stuck going into my garage. The alley was plowed but that piled snow in front of the garage. Stupid, heavy, wet, slippery snow. I was stuck again, but luckily some neighbors came and helped me. I'm glad for all those nice people, but I am mad at snow. All the way to school today I shook my fist at it. I realized that shaking a fist really gives much more satisfaction than the finger, shaking the head, etc. Shaking a fist makes others respect you and has an aire of wisdom about it. A fist shaker can really inflict a sense of guilt on the shakee. What can you do when a fist is shaken at you? You just have to agree that you were wrong.


Blogger Jordan said...

Hah your ranting is beautiful and brilliant.

"One lady, who was the size of me x 5 + a cow + the Kool Aid man /1 was really on the watch for the food."

and all the stuff about fist-shaking...brilliant.

I wish I had been in MN--I could have driven you to class in my truck and we could have laughed at the snow being crushed beneath us.

11:22 AM

Blogger Jordan said...

Oh, and we could have gone sledding afterward like the old days!

11:23 AM

Blogger Laura Ibsen said...

Sledding! That's always a good time.

7:50 AM

Blogger b-nut said...

Sam, this is Brett's wife talking. I'm not sure how to figure out how to get my own account so I'll use Brett's. I just found your blog and YOU ARE HILARIOUS! I've read all your entry's. YOU ARE BRILLIANT! I love the stuck in snow story and the guest "fish" article. Poor Poor Fishy. I hope you keep writing. Also, I've never never thought you were a nerd. My uncle is a nerd. You are a beautiful, intelligent, funny, loving, fun to be with girl.
Your husband is going to be HOT! Your kids will be adorable.
Love ME, Brett's wife

8:02 AM

Blogger Laura Ibsen said...

You are a bright blinding light from Heaven... I'm born anew in your brillance. You make Gandhi look like a child pornographer.

1:38 PM

Blogger Sam said...

Jordan, I knew that if no one else enjoyed my ranting, you would. That time we went sledding was really fun. Oh, and I learned everything I know about fist shaking from you.

Thanks Brett for letting Laura use your account. She makes me laugh. Laura, I miss you we need to have coffee or something.

I miss you too Laura Ibsen!!!

1:40 PM


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