Monday, June 05, 2006

Odds and Ends

Forgive me, Jordan, for I have sinned; It has been 27 days since my last blog entry. I have been unable to post due to my internet deficiency. Thankfully, this has been remedied since Comcast got all up in my crib to install it. Well, not much has happened this summer except moving and a new job. I like my new house. It is excellent in so many ways. Oh, and today at work I had to shave a guinea pig's butt. I never thought I'd see the day... Another funny thing at work was that this dimwit surrendered his cat because it "was trying to steal his spirit while he slept". I examined the cat and I'm pretty sure I still have my spirit. This guy is probably doing every kind of drug ever created. Anyway, here are some points to ponder:

Does it cancel out if a man who once was a woman marries a woman who once was a man?

Why when girls say "I'm hungry", do they immediately list everything they had to eat that day?
Why do most women cops look like dudes?

Are there any republicans with dredlocks?


Blogger renee said...

#1. some republicans DO have dredlocks. and the funny thing is i usually assume they are liberal and when i find out they're not, i am surprised. conservatives with dredlocks tend to be VERY conservative... because people with dreds are EXTREME :-)

#2. at least, most of the time, when girls say they're hungry, their list of foods they've eaten does not sound like this:

broth, lifesavers, water, pedialyte, gatorade and blue moon organic soda.

makes my tummy feel full and satisfied just thinking about it...

6:55 AM

Blogger Laura Ibsen said...


Girls list everything they've had to eat that day, usually because they haven't eaten that much. Hence, they are to be praised, as it is a great triumph to not eat much, or at all, because then, they are actively becoming more skinny, which is the most noble goal a woman can achieve.

11:29 AM

Blogger chen said...

I think the dude and the woman and the woman and the dude cancel out, so long as they know that each was previously a man/woman.

I think girls list off foods because they want to make sure that they have a legit excuse to eat food. So like Laura and Renee said, when they list off the food they've had so far they don't feel bad for being hungry. Or maybe women just like to talk and this is another way to get more words out.

11:07 AM

Blogger Laura Ibsen said...

Perhaps people eventually run out of things to say and wind up talking about the food they've eaten that day.

Someday I hope for a thrilling marriage like that.

11:26 AM


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