Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dag in a bag

Not her finest hour...


Blogger Laura Ibsen said...

I can just see her saying "heeeeelp!" in the first shot. :)

1:09 PM

Blogger renee said...

Actually, I think she might be saying something more like "You FIEND! How DARE you photograph me while I am trapped by this demon plastic straightjacket! Either free me or be gone with you!

8:47 AM

Blogger Laura Ibsen said...

And then sad and dejected in the second shot.

7:21 AM

Blogger Chris Hill said...

She looks pretty pissed off. I think if you did that to my dog, he would figure out how to get the bag off, then stare at it for awhile in confusion, then eat it. He's pretty smart.

10:53 AM

Blogger Sam said...

Oh yeah, you got your dog Chris! Is he a good dog?

2:42 PM

Blogger Chris Hill said...

Yes. He's very good. We're still trying to train him with some simple stuff (like "come"). He knows the commands, but often doesn't want to follow them. We haven't had a whole lot of time to try training him, though. Thanks for asking. Katie put some pictures of him up on facebook.

7:27 PM


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