Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
1/2 doctor, 1/2 mortal
Well, by a miracle of God I have reached the halfway point in my pursuit of the magnificent DVM. I am half a doctor but unfortuately my hands and head are not included in this portion. In due time... This year has been a whirlwind of "ologies", and I can't say I remember a very large percentage. My greatest accomplishments are my spay and my anesthesia role, as both animals lived. I also got to hold a Great Horned owl. My less than perfect achievements include when one of our surgery cats had a 106 temperature when I went in to check on her in the evening, and I couldn't think of a complication (infection *duh*) she could be experiencing when quizzed by the technicians. I also stabbed my finger with a capillary tube and, the morning of my surgery, I impaled my finger on a needle (it went in on one side of my finger and came out the other). That morning my finger bled profusely and I was hiding it from the faculty because I thought I would get in trouble. Ahh...memories. Next March I'll start on clinics...yikes! In summary this year really chewed me up and spit me out, especially spring semester. In fact, I think that I was Jonah and spring semester was a whale. Especially since now I'm being sent to Africa (posing as Nineveh). As you can see, I've gotten quite weird. I learned many interesting things but I am READY for a summer of doing nothing. It's my last free summer so I had better make it a good one!